.. _FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions ========================== Summary ------- * `I need special command to get my code`_ * `Can I checkout that branch?`_ * `Can I clone with my ssh keys?`_ * `After init, my project has no code!`_ * `The project is too big`_ * `The report XXX is not available`_ * `Java Out Of Memory Error`_ * `How can I run a very large project?`_ * `Does exakat runs on Java 8?`_ * `Where can I find the report`_ * `Exakat only produces the default report`_ * `Can I run exakat on local code?`_ * `Can I run exakat on local code, without git or VCS?`_ * `Can I ignore a dir or a file?`_ * `Can I audit only one folder in vendor?`_ * `Can I run Exakat with PHP 5?`_ * `I get the error 'The executable 'ansible-playbook' Vagrant is trying to run was not found'`_ * `Can I run exakat on Windows?`_ * `Does exakat send my code to a central server?`_ * `"cat: write error: Broken pipe" : is it bad?`_ * `Require a [gremlin]Argument`_ `I need special command to get my code`_ ------------------------------------------ If Exakat has no documented method to reach your code, you may use this process : :: php exakat.phar init -p cd ./projects/ mkdir code // here, do whatever it takes to put all your code in 'code' folder cd - php exakat.phar project -p Send a message on Github.com/exakat/exakat to mention your specific method. `Can I checkout that branch?`_ ------------------------------ Currently (Version 0.12.2), there is no way to request a tag or a branche or a revision when cloning the code. The best way is to reach the 'code' folder, and make the change there. Unless with 'init' or 'update', exakat doesn't make any change to the code. :: php exakat.phar init -p myProject -R url://my/git/repository cd ./projects/myProject/code git branch notMasterBranch cd - php exakat.phar project -p myProject `Can I clone with my ssh keys?`_ --------------------------------- When using git, or any vcs, the current shell user's SSH keys may be used to access the repository. When using a remote installation, or a docker image, the keys won't be accessible. The fallback solution is to init an empty project, clone the code from the Shell (with the keys), and then run project. :: php exakat.phar init -p myProject cd ./projects/myProject git clone url://myprivate/git/repository code cd - php exakat.phar project -p myProject `After init, my project has no code!`_ --------------------------------------- Check in the projects//config.ini file : if values were provided, you'll find them there. In case the code was not found during init, then do the following : :: cd projects// git clone ssh://project/URL code cd - php exakat.phar files -p If you're using some other method than git, then just collect the code in a 'code' folder in the project and run the 'files' command. The 'init' command doesn't overwrite an existing project : if the `code` folder is missing, you should add it manually, or remove the project with `remove` command, and use `init` again. `The project is too big`_ ------------------------- There is a soft limit in config/exakat.ini, called 'token_limit' that initially prevents analysis of projects over 1 million tokens. That's roughly 125k LOC, more than most code source. If you need to run exakat on larger sources, you may change this value to make it as large as possible. Then, the physical capacities of the machine, specially RAM, will be the actual limit. It may be interesting to 'ignore_dir[]', from projects//config.ini. `The report XXX is not available`_ ---------------------------------- Some reports are available in the community edition, and others are in the cloud/enterprise editions. The list of available reports are accessible via the command 'catalog', along with the Rules and Rulesets. :: php exakat catalog `Java Out Of Memory Error`_ --------------------------- By default, java is allowed to run with 512mb of RAM. That may be too little for the code being studied. Set the environment variable $JAVA_OPTIONS to give larger quantities of RAM. For example : 'export JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1024m -Xmx6096m'; or 'setenv JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1024m -Xmx6096m' Xms is the memory allocation at start, and Xmx is the maximum allocation. With some experimentation, 6G handles the largest `How can I run a very large project?`_ -------------------------------------- Here are a few steps you can try when running exakat on a very large project. * Update project//config.ini, and use ignore_dirs[] and include_dirs[] to exclude as much code as possible. Notably, frameworks, data in PHP files, tests, cache, translations, etc. * Set environment variable $JAVA_OPTIONS to large quantities of RAM : JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1024m -Xmx6096m'; * Check that your installation is running with 'gsneo4j' and not 'tinkergraph', in config/exakat.ini. `Does exakat runs on Java 8?`_ ------------------------------ Exakat itself runs with PHP 7.0+. Exakat runs with a gremlin database : gremlin-server 3.2.x is supported, which runs on Java 8. Java 9 is experimental, and is being tested. Java 7 used to be working, but is not supported anymore : it may still work, though. `Where can I find the report`_ ------------------------------ Reports are available after running at least the following commands : :: php exakat.phar init -p -R php exakat.phar project -p The default report is the HTML report, called `Ambassador `_. You'll find it in ./projects//report. Other reports, build with 'report' command, will also be saved there, with different names. `Exakat only produces the default report`_ ------------------------------------------- After a default installation, Exakat builds the `Ambassador `_ report. If you want another report, for example `Migration80 `_, you have to request it. :: php exakat.phar report -p --format Migration80 -v You may also access other reports, such as `Text `_, which are always available after an audit. The 'report' command aborts the report build when insufficient rules have been run. At that point, you must configure the report or the rules, in the projects or the server, and run the audit again. `Can I run exakat on local code?`_ ---------------------------------- There are several ways to do that : use symbolic links, make a copy of the source. :: php exakat.phar init -p -R -symlink php exakat.phar init -p -R -copy php exakat.phar init -p -R -git Symlink will branch exakat directly into the code; -copy makes a copy of the code (this means the code will never be updated without manual intervention); git (or other vcs) may also be used with local repositories. Exakat do not modify any existing source code : it only access it for reading purpose, then works on a separated database. As a defensive security measure, we suggest that exakat should work on a read-only copy of the code. `Can I run exakat on local code, without git or VCS?`_ ------------------------------------------------------ There are several ways to do that : use symbolic links, make a copy of the source. :: php exakat.phar init -p -R -symlink php exakat.phar init -p -R -copy Symlink will branch exakat directly into the code; -copy makes a copy of the code (this means the code will never be updated without manual intervention); git (or other vcs) may also be used with local repositories. Exakat do not modify any existing source code : it only access it for reading purpose, then works on a separated database. As a defensive security measure, we suggest that exakat should work on a read-only copy of the code. `Can I ignore a dir or a file?`_ ---------------------------------- Yes. After initing a project, open the projects//config.ini file, and update the ignore_dir line. For example, to ignore a behat test folder, and to ignore any file called 'license' : :: ignore_dirs[] = '/behat/'; ignore_dirs[] = 'license'; You may also include files, by using the include_dir[] line. Including files is processed after ignoring them, so you may include files in folders that were previously ignored. `Can I audit only one folder in vendor?` ---------------------------------------- You can use ignore_dirs to exclude everything in the source tree, then use include_dirs to include specific folders. :: # exclude everything ignore_dirs[] = '/'; # include intended folder include_dirs[] = '/vendor/exakat'; `Can I run Exakat with PHP 5?`_ ------------------------------- It is recommended to run exakat with PHP 7.4 or even 8.0. PHP 7.3 is still possible, though not supported. PHP 7.2 and below won't work (we checked). Note that you may test your code on PHP 5.x, while running Exakat on PHP 7.4. There are 2 distinct configuration options in Exakat. 'php' is the path to the PHP binary that runs Exakat : this one should be PHP 7.0+. 'phpxx' are the path to the PHP helpers, that are used to tokenized and lint the target PHP code. This is where PHP 5.x may be configured. :: ; where and which PHP executable are available php = /usr/local/sbin/php74 php52 = php53 = /usr/local/sbin/php53 php54 = php55 = php56 = php70 = php71 = php72 = php73 = php74 = php80 = php81 = Above is an example of a exakat configuration file, where Exakat is run with PHP 7.1 and process code with PHP 5.3. `I get the error 'The executable 'ansible-playbook' Vagrant is trying to run was not found'`_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This error is displayed when the host machine doesn't have Ansible installed. Install ansible, and try again to provision. `Can I run exakat on Windows?`_ ------------------------------- Currently, Windows is not supported, though it might be some day. Until then, you may run Exakat with Vagrant, or with Docker. `Does exakat send my code to a central server?`_ ------------------------------------------------- When run from the sources, Exakat has everything it needs to fulfill its mission. There is no central server that does the job, and requires the transmission of the code. When running an audit on the Saas service of Exakat, the code is processed on our servers. `"cat: write error: Broken pipe" : is it bad?`_ ------------------------------------------------- Exakat currently runs some piped commands, with xargs so as to make some operations parallel. When the following command ends up before the reading all the data from the first command, such a warning is emitted. It has no impact on exakat's processing of the code. See also `cat: write error: Broken pipe `_. `Require a [gremlin]Argument` ------------------------------------------------- Running an audit (project command) leads to an error message such as this one : :: 2/2 [========================================================================>] 100.00% 00:00:00 Error : The request message was parseable, but the arguments supplied in the message were in conflict or incomplete. Check the message format and retry the request. : A message with an [eval] op code requires a [gremlin] argument. =================== SERVER TRACE ========================= array ( ) ============================================================ on file phar:///exakat-2.1.9/exakat.phar/vendor/brightzone/gremlin-php/src/Connection.php on line 847 This happens when exakat couldn't stop the gremlin database. You should take it down manually, then restart the audit. No version update necessary. Get the process ID with the following command, and then, kill it. :: ps aux | grep gsneo4jv3.3.4 ps aux | grep gremlin