.. _report-history: History +++++++ History _______ The History report collects meta information between audits. It saves the values from the current audit into a separate 'history.sqlite' database. The history tables are the same as the dump.sqlite tables, except for the extra 'serial' table. Each audit comes with 3 identifiers : + 'dump_timestamp' : this is a timmestamp taken when the dump was build + 'dump_serial' : this is a serial number, based on the previous audit, and incremented by one. This is handy to keep the values in sequence + 'dump_id' : this is a unique random id, which helps distinguish audits which may have inconsistency between serial or timestamp. This report provides a 'history.sqlite' database. The following tables are inventoried : + hash + resultsCounts Specs _____ +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Short name | History | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rulesets | This reports works with an arbitrary list of results. | | | | | | | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | Sqlite | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Target | This report is written in 'history.sqlite'. | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available in | `Entreprise Edition `_ | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+