.. _report-plantuml: PlantUml ++++++++ PlantUml ________ The PlantUml export data structure to PlantUml format. This report produces a .puml file, compatible with `PlantUML `_. PlantUML is an Open Source component that dislays class diagrams. .. image:: ../images/report.plantuml.png :alt: Example of a PlantUml report (0) Specs _____ +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Short name | PlantUml | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rulesets | PlantUml doesn't depend on rulesets. | | | | | | | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | puml | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Target | This report is written in 'exakat.puml'. | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available in | `Entreprise Edition `_ | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+