.. _report-uml: Uml +++ Uml ___ The Uml exports data structure to UML format. This report produces a dot file with a representation of the classes used in the repository. Classes, interfaces and traits are represented, along with their constants, methods and properties. .dot files are best seen with `graphviz `_ : they are easily convert into PNG or PDF. .. image:: ../images/report.uml.general.png :alt: Example of a Uml report (0) .. image:: ../images/report.uml.detail.png :alt: Example of a Uml report (1) Specs _____ +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Short name | Uml | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rulesets | This reports works with an arbitrary list of results. | | | | | | | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | dot | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Target | This report is written in 'exakat.uml.dot'. | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available in | `Entreprise Edition `_ | +--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+