.. Report: Report =============== Configuring a report before the audit ------------------------------------- By default, Exakat builds the 'Ambassador' report for any project. If you want another report, or want to ignore the build of Ambassador, configure it before running the audit. To do so, open the `projects//config.ini` file, and mention the list of report like that : :: project_reports[] = 'Owasp'; project_reports[] = 'Weekly'; By configuring the reports before the audit, Exakat processes only the needed analysis, and produces all the reports for each audit. Generating a report after the audit ----------------------------------- If you have run an audit, but wants to extract another report for a piece of code, you can use the following command : `php exakat.phar report -p -format -file ` Where is one of the format listed in the following section, and is the target file. Note that some format requires some specific audits to be run : they will fail if those results are not available. Then, run the audit again, and mention the desired audit in the configuration. Common behavior --------------- Default format is Text. Each report has a default filename, that may be configured with the -file option. Each report adds a file extension to the provided filename. A special value for -file is 'stdout'. Some formats may be output to stdout, such as Text or Json. Not all format are accepting that value : some format, like Ambassador or Sqlite, may only be written to directories. Each report is stored in its folder, under the requested name. Reports may be generated at any time, during execution of the analysis (partial results) or later, even if another audit is running.