
  • Credits

  • Contribute

  • External links


The following people helped in the making of Exakat : installing, coding, suggesting, using, documenting, reporting bugs, pushing us to be better.

  • 陈曦 (Buck / Leon)

  • 鄭蔚 (Jent / Jean)

  • Gérard Ernaelsten

  • Philippe Gamache

  • Cyrille Granval

  • Eshin Kunishima

  • Alexis Van Glasow


Exakat is an Open Source project. It is also organized to collect common knowledge and encode it in its databases.

Here are some suggestions of help you may provide to enhance your own usage of Exakat :

  • Suggest PHP extensions that are missing in the list of supported extensions (see Annex)

  • Suggest new analysis, with examples of target code, and examples of good code

  • Suggest missing external services

  • Suggest reference article for the documentation, in the section ‘See also’

  • Suggestion application that may be added to the corpus of codes that we use to validate the analysis

  • Provide new names and adjectives for the audit names. We like to include any first name of community members, and non-derogatory adjectives.

  • Report installation or usage problems

  • Report ambiguity in reports and their documentation

  • Suggest interesting Coding reference, like Object Calisthenics, PSR, East-Oriented Programming, etc.

  • Translate the documentation into other languages

  • Suport Exakat on Windows or other OS

  • Recommend article for code conception to be added in the docs

  • Suggest public code source for review

Visit us on the [github repository](, or the [slack channel](

Training Database

A number of applications are regularly scanned in order to find real life examples of patterns. They are listed here :