
First audit with Exakat

In this tutorial, we’ll use an open source project called ‘sculpin’ as a guinea pig. You can replace it with any accessible source code of yours. The name of the project is also ‘sculpin’, though this is both self-descriptive and arbitrary.

Init a project

php exakat.phar doctor
php exakat.phar init -p sculpin -R https://github.com/sculpin/sculpin.git

After this step, there is a folder ‘sculpin’ inside the ‘projects’ folder. The files will be stored there.

Run exakat

php exakat.phar project -p sculpin -v

This command runs the default configuration over the requested code source. After displaying the different steps, it provides a first report: Diplomat.

Open the report, with a web browser: it is located in projects/sculpin/diplomat.

Congratulations, this is your first audit.

First audit with Exakat (Docker)

In this tutorial, we’ll use an open source project called ‘sculpin’ as a guinea pig. You can replace it with any accessible source code of yours. The name of the project is also ‘sculpin’, though this is both self-descriptive and arbitrary.

Init a project

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/projects:/usr/src/exakat/projects --rm --name my-exakat exakat/exakat exakat init -p sculpin -R https://github.com/sculpin/sculpin.git

After this step, there is a folder ‘sculpin’ inside the ‘projects’ folder. The files will be stored there.

docker run -it -v /home/my-user/.ssh:/home/exakat/ssh -v $(pwd)/projects:/usr/src/exakat/projects --rm --name my-exakat exakat/exakat exakat project -p sculpin  -v

Run exakat

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/projects:/usr/src/exakat/projects --rm --name my-exakat exakat/exakat exakat project -p sculpin -v

This command runs the default configuration over the requested code source. After displaying the different steps, it provides a first report: Diplomat.

Open the report, with a web browser: it is located in projects/sculpin/diplomat.

Congratulations, this is your first audit.

First audit within the code (Local)

This tutorial show how to run exakat within the code source itself, instead of running it with a separate folder. This is adapted to reports that are displayed directly in the terminal.

As a pre requisite, you should have installed Exakat on your system, and, in a different folder, hold some source code that needs to be audited.

Init the project

Exakat recognizes the code as an auditable source code when it can find a .exakat.ini or .exakat.yaml file in the source. YAML has priority when both are present.

The .exakat.yaml file :

project = "exakat";
project_reports[] = "Text";

The .exakat.yaml file :


project: exakat project_reports:

  • Text

In case both files are found, the .INI file has precedence.

Run exakat

php /path/to/installation/exakat.phar project -v

This command runs the default configuration over the code source. It displays immediately the audit as a Text file, directly in the terminal.

First audit within the code (Docker)

In this tutorial, we show how to run exakat within the code source itself, instead of running it with a separate folder. We’ll use a Docker installation for that.

As a pre requisite, you should have pulled the exakat/exakat:latest on your docker installation; and, in a different folder, hold some source code that needs to be audited.

Init the project

Exakat recognizes the code as an auditable source code when it can find a .exakat.ini or .exakat.yaml file in the source. YAML file has priority when both are present.

The .exakat.yaml file :

project = "exakat";
project_reports[] = "Text";

The .exakat.yaml file :


project: exakat project_reports:

  • Text

In case both files are found, the .INI file has precedence.

Run exakat

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/src --rm --name my-exakat exakat/exakat exakat project

This command runs the default configuration over the code source. The report is displayed immediately in the terminal.

Congratulations, this is your first audit.