3.3.34. OneLiners OneLiners

The One Liners report collects one liner usages, which makes using IDE hard.

The One Liners report is based on Andreas Möllers’s post Avoiding one-liners in PHP. It reports all the one liners from that article.

/app/Infra/functions.php:305        Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        $message ?: __('操作成功')
/app/Infra/functions.php:305        Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   $message ?: __('操作成功')
/app/Infra/Model.php:797    Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        $fields ?: $options['field']
/app/Infra/Model.php:797    Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        $table ?: $this->getTableName( )
/app/Infra/Model.php:797    Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   $fields ?: $options['field']
/app/Infra/Model.php:797    Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   $table ?: $this->getTableName( )
/app/Infra/Model.php:1581   Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_\\0', $name) ?: ''
/app/Infra/Model.php:1581   Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_\\0', $name) ?: ''
/app/Infra/Model.php:999    Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        $type ?: (!empty($data[$this->getPk( )]) ? self::MODEL_UPDATE : self::MODEL_INSERT)
/app/Infra/Model.php:999    Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   $type ?: (!empty($data[$this->getPk( )]) ? self::MODEL_UPDATE : self::MODEL_INSERT)
/app/Infra/Model.php:1326   Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        $fields ?: '*'
/app/Infra/Model.php:1326   Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   $fields ?: '*'
/app/Infra/Model.php:1578   Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        preg_replace_callback('/_([a-zA-Z])/', function ($match) { /**/ } , $name) ?: ''
/app/Infra/Model.php:1578   Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   preg_replace_callback('/_([a-zA-Z])/', function ($match) { /**/ } , $name) ?: ''
/app/Infra/Code.php:28      Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        Cache::get('captcha:' . $id) ?: ''
/app/Infra/Code.php:28      Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   Cache::get('captcha:' . $id) ?: ''
/app/Infra/PermissionCache.php:27   Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        (array) Cache::get('permission:' . $id) ?: ['static' => [ ], 'dynamic' => [ ]]
/app/Infra/PermissionCache.php:27   Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   (array) Cache::get('permission:' . $id) ?: ['static' => [ ], 'dynamic' => [ ]]
/app/Controller/Swagger/Index.php:39        Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        json_encode($openApi) ?: ''
/app/Controller/Swagger/Index.php:39        Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   json_encode($openApi) ?: ''
/app/Domain/Service/Search/Search.php:45    Php/Coalesce    Coalesce        $subService ?: $v
/app/Domain/Service/Search/Search.php:45    Php/ShortTernary        Short Ternary   $subService ?: $v
/app/Infra/Repository/User/User.php:28      Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn (Select $select) => $select->where('name', $name)
/app/Infra/Repository/User/User.php:41      Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn (Select $select) => $select->where('id', $id)
/app/Infra/ModelTest.php:3472       Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn ( ) => $baseBrandModel->trans2(['first' => 'new1', 'second' => 'new2',  ])
/app/Infra/ModelTest.php:3500       Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn ( ) => $baseBrandModel->trans3(['first' => 'new1', 'second' => 'new2',  ])
/app/Domain/Service/User/User/Users.php:23  Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn (Select $select) => $select->eager(['role'])
/app/Domain/Entity/Product/BaseBrandModel.php:237   Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn ( ) => $this->trans3($in)
/app/Domain/Entity/Product/BaseBrandModel.php:242   Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn ( ) => $this->trans3($in)
/app/Middleware/Filter.php:73       Functions/UseArrowFunctions     Use Arrow Functions     fn (mixed &$value, string $key) => $value = $this->transformValue($value, $key) Specs

Short name



This reports works with an arbitrary list of results.




This report is written in ‘oneliners’.

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