1.2.323. Cyclic References

Avoid cyclic references.

Cyclic references happen when an object points to another object, which reciprocate. This is particularly possible with classes, when the child class has to keep a reference to the parent class. Cyclic references, or circular references, are memory intensive : only the garbage collector can understand when they may be flushed from memory, which is a costly operation. On the other hand, in an acyclic reference code, the reference counter will know immediately know that an object is free or not.


class a {
    private $p = null;

    function foo() {
        $this->p = new b();
        // the current class is stored in the child class

class b {
    private $pb = null;

    function n($a) {
        // the current class keeps a link to its parent
        $this->pb = $a;

See also About circular references in PHP and A Journey to find a memory leak.

1.2.323.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.323.1.1. Suggestions

  • Use a different object when calling the child objects.

  • Refactor your code to avoid the cyclic reference.

1.2.323.1.2. Specs

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