1.2.1654. self, parent, static Outside Class

self, parent and static should be called inside a class or trait. PHP lint won’t report those situations.

self, parent and static may be used in a trait : their actual value will be only known at execution time, when the trait is used.

Such syntax problem is only revealed at execution time : PHP raises a Fatal error.

The origin of the problem is usually a method that was moved outside a class, at least temporarily.

Closures and arrow functions are reported here, though they might be rebound with a valid context before execution.

// In the examples, self, parent and static may be used interchangeably

// This raises a Fatal error
//Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access static:: when no class scope is active
new static();

// static calls
echo self::CONSTANTE;
echo self::$property;
echo self::method();

// as a type hint
function foo(static $x) {

// as a instanceof
if ($x instanceof static) {


See also Scope Resolution Operator (::).

1.2.1654.2. Connex PHP features

1.2.1654.2.1. Suggestions

  • Remove the call to static, parent or self

  • Make sure the closure is correctly binded before usage

1.2.1654.2.2. Specs

Short name



All, Analyze, Changed Behavior, LintButWontExec

Exakat since


PHP Version




Time To Fix

Slow (1 hour)


Very high


This issue may lint but will not run

Available in

Entreprise Edition, Exakat Cloud