1.2.857. Non Static Methods Called In A Static

Static methods have to be declared as such (using the static keyword). Then, one may call them without instantiating the object.

PHP 7.0, and more recent versions, yield a deprecated error : Non-`static <https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.static.php>`_ method A\:\:B() should not be called statically.

PHP 5 and older doesn’t check that a method is static or not : at any point, the code may call one method statically. It is a bad idea to call non-static method statically. Such method may make use of special variable $this, which will be undefined. PHP will not check those calls at compile time, nor at running time.

It is recommended to update this situation : make the method actually static, or use it only in object context.

Note that this analysis reports all static method call made on a non-static method, even within the same class or class hierarchy. PHP silently accepts static call to any in-family method.

    class x {
        static public function sm( ) { echo __METHOD__.\n; }
        public public sm( ) { echo __METHOD__.\n; }

    x::sm( ); // echo x::sm

    // Dynamic call
    ['x', 'sm']();
    [\x::class, 'sm']();

    $s = 'x::sm';


See also Static Keyword.

1.2.857.2. Connex PHP features

1.2.857.2.1. Suggestions

  • Call the method the correct way

  • Define the method as static

1.2.857.2.2. Specs

Short name



All, Analyze, CE, CI-checks, Changed Behavior, CompatibilityPHP53, CompatibilityPHP54, CompatibilityPHP55, CompatibilityPHP56

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