1.2.966. Parent, Static Or Self Outside Class

Parent, static and self keywords must be used within a class, a trait, an interface or an enum. They make no sense outside a class or trait scope, as self and static refers to the current class and parent refers to one of parent above.

PHP 7.0 and later detect some of their usage at compile time, and emits a fatal error. Static may be used in a function or a closure <https://www.php.net/`closure>`_, but not globally.


class x {
    const Y = 1;

    function foo() {
        // self is \x
        echo self::Y;

const Z = 1;
// This lint but won't anymore
echo self::Z;


1.2.966.2. Connex PHP features

1.2.966.2.1. Suggestions

  • Make sure the keyword is inside a class context

1.2.966.2.2. Specs

Short name



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PHP 7.0


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