1.2.1263. Undefined static ::class

The \:\:class operator provides the full name of the class, enumeration, trait or interface. \:\:class doesn’t check if the corresponding class exists.

\:\:class must be checked with a call to class_exists(). Otherwise, it may lead to a Class 'foo' not found or even silent dead code : this happens also with Catch and instanceof commands with undefined classes. PHP doesn’t raise an error in that case.


class foo() {}

// prints foo
echo foo::class;

// prints bar though bar doesn't exist.
echo bar::class;


See also Class Constants.

1.2.1263.2. Connex PHP features

1.2.1263.2.1. Suggestions

  • Create the missing class

  • Fix the name part of the syntax

  • Check the name part of syntax with class_exists()

1.2.1263.2.2. Specs

Short name



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