1.2.1277. Unreachable Class Constant

Class constants may be unreachable due to visibility configuration.

Since PHP 7.1, class constants support visibility. Their usage may be restricted to the current class, or private, to classes that extends or are extended by the current class, or protected. They may also be public, just like it was before.


class Foo{
    private const PRIVATE = 1;
            const PUBLIC = 3;

// PHP 7.1- and older
echo Foo::PUBLIC;

// This is not accessible
echo Foo::PRIVATE;


See also Class Constant and PHP RFC: Support Class Constant Visibility.

1.2.1277.2. Connex PHP features

1.2.1277.2.1. Suggestions

  • Make the class constant protected, when the call to the constant is inside a related class.

  • Create another constant, that may be accessible

  • Make the class constant public

1.2.1277.2.2. Specs

Short name



All, Changed Behavior, Class Review

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Time To Fix

Slow (1 hour)


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