1.2.1492. ext/crypto

Extension ext/crypto (PECL).

Objective PHP binding of OpenSSL Crypto library.

use Crypto\Cipher;
use Crypto\AlgorihtmException;
$algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';
if (!Cipher::hasAlgorithm($algorithm)) {
     die('Algorithm $algorithm not found' . PHP_EOL);
try {
     $cipher = new Cipher($algorithm);
     // Algorithm method for retrieving algorithm
     echo 'Algorithm: ' . $cipher->getAlgorithmName() . PHP_EOL;
     // Params
     $key_len = $cipher->getKeyLength();
     $iv_len = $cipher->getIVLength();

     echo 'Key length: ' . $key_len . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'IV length: '  . $iv_len . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Block size: ' . $cipher->getBlockSize() . PHP_EOL;
     // This is just for this example. You should never use such key and IV!
     $key = str_repeat('x', $key_len);
     $iv = str_repeat('i', $iv_len);
     // Test data
     $data1 = 'Test';
     $data2 = 'Data';
     $data = $data1 . $data2;
     // Simple encryption
     $sim_ct = $cipher->encrypt($data, $key, $iv);

     // init/update/finish encryption
     $cipher->encryptInit($key, $iv);
     $iuf_ct  = $cipher->encryptUpdate($data1);
     $iuf_ct .= $cipher->encryptUpdate($data2);
     $iuf_ct .= $cipher->encryptFinish();
     // Raw data output (used base64 format for printing)
     echo 'Ciphertext (sim): ' . base64_encode($sim_ct) . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Ciphertext (iuf): ' . base64_encode($iuf_ct) . PHP_EOL;
     // $iuf_out == $sim_out
     $ct = $sim_ct;
     // Another way how to create a new cipher object (using the same algorithm and mode)
     $cipher = Cipher::aes(Cipher::MODE_CBC, 256);
     // Simple decryption
     $sim_text = $cipher->decrypt($ct, $key, $iv);

     // init/update/finish decryption
     $cipher->decryptInit($key, $iv);
     $iuf_text = $cipher->decryptUpdate($ct);
     $iuf_text .= $cipher->decryptFinish();
     // Raw data output ($iuf_out == $sim_out)
     echo 'Text (sim): ' . $sim_text . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Text (iuf): ' . $iuf_text . PHP_EOL;
catch (AlgorithmException $e) {
     echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


See also pecl crypto and php-crypto.

1.2.1492.1. Specs

Short name



All, Appinfo, CE, Changed Behavior

Exakat since


PHP Version



Time To Fix


Very high

Available in

Entreprise Edition, Community Edition, Exakat Cloud