1.2.1471. array_key_exists() Speedup

array_key_exists() has its own opcode, leading to better features and speed.

isset() is faster for all non-empty values, but is limited when the value is NULL or empty : then, array_key_exists() has the good features.

This change makes `array_key_exists() <https://www.php.net/array_key_exists>`_ actually faster than `isset() <https://www.www.php.net/isset>`_ by ~25% (tested with GCC 8, -O3, march=native, mtune=native)..


$foo = [123 => 456];

// This is sufficient and efficient since PHP 7.4
if (array_search_key($foo[123])) {
    // do something

// taking advantages of performances for PHP 7.4 and older
if (isset($foo[123]) || array_search_key($foo[123])) {
    // do something


See also Implement ZEND_ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS opcode to speed up array_key_exists().

1.2.1471.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.1471.1.1. Suggestions

  • Remove the isset() call and the logical operator

1.2.1471.1.2. Specs

Short name



All, Changed Behavior, Performances, Suggestions

Exakat since


PHP Version

With PHP 7.4 and more recent



Time To Fix

Quick (30 mins)


Very high

Available in

Entreprise Edition, Exakat Cloud