1.2.951. PHP Overridden Function

It is possible to declare and use a function with the same name as a PHP native, in a namespace.

Within the declaration namespace, it is easy to confuse the local version and the global version, unless the function has been prefixed with \.

When a piece of code use overridden function, any newcomer may be confused by the usage of classic PHP native function in surprising situations.

It is recommended to avoid redeclare PHP native function in namespaces.


namespace A {
    use function A\dirname as split;

    function dirname($a, $b) { return __FUNCTION__; }

    echo dirname('/a/b/c');
    echo split('a', 'b');

    echo \dirname('/a/b/c');


1.2.951.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.951.1.1. Suggestions

  • Change the name of the function, in its declaration and usage.

1.2.951.1.2. Specs

Short name



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