1.2.689. Minus One On Error

Some PHP native functions return -1 on error. They also return 1 in case of success, and 0 in case of failure. This leads to confusions.

In case the native function is used as a condition without explicit comparison, PHP type cast the return value to a boolean. In this case, -1 and 1 are both converted to true, and the condition applies. This means that an error situation is mistaken for a successful event. This analysis searches for if/then structures, ternary operators inside while() / do…`while() <https://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.while.php>`_ loops.


// Proper check of the return value
if (openssl_verify($data, $signature, $public) === 1) {

// if this call fails, it returns -1, and is confused with true
if (openssl_verify($data, $signature, $public)) {

See also Can you spot the vulnerability? (openssl_verify) and Incorrect Signature Verification.

1.2.689.1. Suggestions

  • Compare explicitly the return value to 1

1.2.689.2. Specs

Short name



All, Changed Behavior, Security

Exakat since


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Time To Fix

Instant (5 mins)



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Entreprise Edition, Exakat Cloud