1.2.532. Htmlentities Using Default Flag

htmlspecialchars(), htmlentities(), htmlspecialchars_decode(), html_entity_decode() and get_html_translation_table(), are used to prevent injecting special characters in HTML code. As a bare minimum, they take a string and encode it for HTML.

The second argument of the functions is the type of protection. The protection may apply to quotes or not, to HTML 4 or 5, etc. It is highly recommended to set it explicitly.

In PHP 8.1, the default value of this parameter has changed. It used to be ENT_COMPAT and is now ENT_QUOTES | `ENT_SUBSTITUTE <https://www.php.net/ENT_SUBSTITUTE>`_. The main difference between the different configuration is that the single quote, which was left intact so far, is now protected HTML style.

$str = 'A quote in <b>bold</b> : \' and ""';

// PHP 8.0 outputs, without depending on the php.ini: A quote in &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt; : ' and &quot;
echo htmlentities($str);

// PHP 8.1 outputs, while depending on the php.ini: A quote in &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt; : &#039; and &quot;
echo htmlentities($str);


See also htmlentities and htmlspecialchars.

1.2.532.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.532.1.1. Suggestions

  • Always use the second argument to explicitly set the desired protection

1.2.532.1.2. Specs

Short name



All, Analyze, CI-checks, Changed Behavior

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With PHP 8.1 and more recent



Time To Fix

Quick (30 mins)

Changed Behavior

PHP 8.1



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Htmlentities Calls

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