1.2.1427. Variable Is Not A Condition

Avoid using a lone variable as a condition. It is recommended to use a comparative value, or one of the filtering function, such as isset(), empty().

Using the raw variable as a condition blurs the difference between an undefined variable and an empty value. By using an explicit comparison or validation function, it is easier to understand what the variable stands for. Thanks to the PMB team for the inspiration.


if (isset($error)) {
    echo 'Found one error : '.$error!;

if ($errors) {
    print count($errors).' errors found : '.join('', $errors).PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Not found';


1.2.1427.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.1427.1.1. Suggestions

  • Make the validation explicit, by using a comparison operator, or one of the validation function.

1.2.1427.1.2. Specs

Short name



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