1.2.1063. Same Conditions In Condition

At least two consecutive if/then structures use identical conditions. The latter will probably be ignored.

This analysis returns false positive when there are attempt to fix a situation, or to call an alternative solution.

Conditions that are shared between if structures, but inside a logical OR expression are also detected.


if ($a == 1) { doSomething(); }
elseif ($b == 1) { doSomething(); }
elseif ($c == 1) { doSomething(); }
elseif ($a == 1) { doSomething(); }
else {}

// Also works on if then else if chains
if ($a == 1) { doSomething(); }
else if ($b == 1) { doSomething(); }
else if ($c == 1) { doSomething(); }
else if ($a == 1) { doSomething(); }
else {}

// Also works on if then else if chains
// Here, $a is common and sufficient in both conditions
if ($a || $b) { doSomething(); }
elseif ($a || $c) { doSomethingElse(); }

// This sort of situation generate false postive.
$config = load_config_from_commandline();
if (empty($config)) {
    $config = load_config_from_file();
    if (empty($config)) {
        $config = load_default_config();


1.2.1063.1. Suggestions

  • Merge the two conditions into one

  • Make the two conditions different

1.2.1063.2. Specs

Short name



All, Analyze, CE, CI-checks, Changed Behavior

Exakat since


PHP Version




Time To Fix

Quick (30 mins)


Very high


TeamPass, Typo3

Available in

Entreprise Edition, Community Edition, Exakat Cloud