1.2.834. No Real Comparison

Avoid comparing decimal numbers with ==, ===, !==, !=. Real numbers have an error margin which is random, and makes it very difficult to match even if the compared value is a literal.

PHP uses an internal representation in base 2 : any number difficult to represent with this base (like 0.1 or 0.7) will have a margin of error. Use precision formulas with abs() to approximate values with a given precision, or avoid reals altogether.


$a = 1/7;
$b = 2.0;

// 7 * $a is a real, not an integer
var_dump( 7 * $a === 1);

// rounding error leads to wrong comparison
var_dump( (0.1 + 0.7) * 10 == 8);
// although
var_dump( (0.1 + 0.7) * 10);
// displays 8

// precision formula to use with reals. Adapt 0.0001 to your precision needs
var_dump( abs(((0.1 + 0.7) * 10) - 8) < 0.0001);


See also Floating point numbers.

1.2.834.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.834.1.1. Suggestions

  • Cast the values to integer before comparing

  • Compute the difference, and keep it below a threshold

  • Use the gmp or the bcmath extension to handle high precision numbers

  • Change the ‘precision’ directive of PHP : ini_set('precision', 30) to make number larger

  • Multiply by a power of ten, before casting to integer for the comparison

  • Use floor(), ceil() or round() to compare the numbers, with a specific precision

1.2.834.1.2. Specs

Short name



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