1.2.1171. String May Hold A Variable

Strings that contains a variable, yet are not interpolated.

Single quotes and Nowdoc syntax may include $ signs. They are treated as literals, and not replaced with a variable value.

However, there are some potential variables in those strings, making it possible for an error : the variable was forgotten and will be published as such. It is worth checking the content and make sure those strings are not variables.


$a = 2;

// Explicit variable, but literal effect is needed
echo '$a is '.$a;

// One of the variable has been forgotten
echo '$a is $a';

// $CAD is not a variable, rather a currency unit
$total = 12;
echo $total.' $CAD';

// $CAD is not a variable, rather a currency unit
$total = 12;

// Here, $total has been forgotten
echo <<<'TEXT'
$total $CAD


1.2.1171.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.1171.1.1. Suggestions

  • Check if the variable is really a variable

  • Turn the string into an interpolated string (double quote, heredoc, concatenation)

1.2.1171.1.2. Specs

Short name



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