1.2.1400. Useless NullSafe Operator

Nullsafe operator ?-> has no object when the types are never null, or when coalesce is active.

The nullsafe operator protects the execution from accessing a method or a property on a null value. If the object part of the syntax cannot be null, then the nullsafe operator ?-> will not protect it.

The nullsafe operator is filling the same duty as ?? operator, although with a more granular precision.


function foo() : A {
     return new A(); // or other code

// foo() always returns A, so it is always valid

// goo() may return NULL: ?-> and ?? are filling the same duty
goo()?->methodOnA ?? C;

function goo() : ?A {}


1.2.1400.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.1400.1.1. Suggestions

  • Replace the null safe operator with the normal one.

  • Add the type null to the type declaration.

  • Check for null-coalesce operator ?? and choose the most appropriate.

1.2.1400.1.2. Specs

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