1.2.1403. Useless Parenthesis

Situations where parenthesis are not necessary, and may be removed.

Parenthesis group several elements together, and allows for a more readable expression. They are used with logical and mathematical expressions. They are necessary when the precedence of the operators are not the intended execution order : for example, when an addition must be performed before the multiplication.

Sometimes, the parenthesis provide the same execution order than the default order : they are deemed useless, from the PHP point of view. Yet, they may add readability to the code. In special circumstances, they may also protect the code from evolution in the precedence of operators : for example, 1 + 2 . '.' . 3 + 4; has different results between PHP 8 and PHP 7.


    if ( ($condition) ) {}
    while( ($condition) ) {}
    do $a++; while ( ($condition) );

    switch ( ($a) ) {}
    $y = (1);
    ($y) == (1);


    // = has precedence over ==
    ($a = $b) == $c;


    // No need for parenthesis in default values
    function foo($c = ( 1 + 2) ) {}

See also Operators Precedence.

1.2.1403.1. Connex PHP features

1.2.1403.1.1. Suggestions

  • Remove useless parenthesis, unless they are important for readability.

1.2.1403.1.2. Specs

Short name



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